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Bite Your Tongue!

If the idea of eating beef tongue makes you stick your own tongue out in disgust, maybe you should try it again... smoked. Smoking changes the flavor profile of meats and gives it layers of flavor ranging from woody to sweet to bitter.

The process begins with a slow simmering of the tongue to produce a fatty, fork tender cut of meat.

You do not need a smoker to successfully smoke tongue. An oven, lots of foil paper and hickory wood chips will get the job done. The hardest part is being patient. Tongues will still wag in delight if you skip that step but make sure you slow simmer it in aromatics of your choice. I prefer to not mask the concentrated beefy taste, I simply throw in an onion and 3 or 4 cloves of garlic, Himalayan pink salt and black pepper.

Once smokes few pieces make it to the plate. I was lucky that my home made masa tortillas had anything to encase after the two hour oven smoked tongue emitted an irresistible aroma that had my little girls' begging for more "steak."

A delectable cut of meat on home made corn tortillas dressed with a selection of toppings for a tongue tantalizing variety.

This encourages me to look beyond the typical ways we have always had tongue cooked growing up in Zimbabwe. I was pleasantly surprised at how my children were now wiling to eat it all because of the smoke application. Now if only they could speak their mother tongue!

Do you have any unique ways you cook tongue ? Let me know if you would try tongue and if you have what you think of it ! And if you don't enjoy it, bite your tongue...think of the benefits, it is loaded with zinc, iron, vitamin B12 and is especially recommended for pregnant women.



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